Looking to donate to support Erik’s Terraria Server?
The donation is not refundable. There is no guarentee that the service you are donating for will be permanent. Violating the rules or not filling the donation requirements will result in your services being terminated. Erik's Terraria Server reserves the right to modify your services at any time for any appropriate reason, including (but not limited to) removal from servers, or violation of the rules associated with Erik's Terraria Server.
$5.00 USD or CAD is the minimum amount required to receive any special privileges or tittles. With this donation you will recieve a forum and in-game donator rank tittle, provided you are not a staff rank tittle. And you will also receive more in-game commands! Once you have donated, please claim your donation here: https://etsdownforgood.canadian-forum.com/f18-claiming-donations. Those who donate have up to a week (7 days) to claim their donation, otherwise they will not receive anything.
Supporter is like the Donator tittle, but the minimum donation for this tittle is $10.00 USD or CAD. Donating this amount of money will grant a special rank tittle in-game and on the forums, comes with all commands that the Donator tittle has in-game, plus more! Once you have donated, please claim your donation here: https://etsdownforgood.canadian-forum.com/f18-claiming-donations. Those who donate have up to a week (7 days) to claim their donation, otherwise they will not receive anything.